
Discover Georgia

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- Georgien -



wilde Schönheit am Rande Europas

... oder Natur- und Kulturparadies zwischen Schwarzem Meer und Kaukasus

 Georgien - საქარტველო - Sakartvelo

wilde Schönheit am Rande Europas

... oder Natur- und Kulturparadies zwischen Schwarzem Meer und Kaukasus

Georgien kann mit Recht als eines der schönsten Länder der Erde bezeichnet werden. Eine solche Fülle an abwechslungs-reichen Naturschönheiten und faszinierenden Kulturstätten gibt es nur selten auf unserem Planeten.

Dabei war es zu Anbeginn gar nicht so selbstverständlich, dass die Georgier mit solchen Wundern beglückt wurden.

Wie es dann doch dazu kam, beschreibt eine Legende:

Gott war gerade dabei, sein Land unter den Menschen aufzuteilen, jedes Volk bekam seinen verdienten Anteil.

Die Georgier aber waren zu sehr mit Feiern beschäftigt, Wein zu trinken und Köstlichkeiten aufzutischen, um rechtzeitig zu erscheinen und ihr Stück Land entgegen zu nehmen.

Als sie am nächsten Tag vor Gott standen, immer noch berauscht vom ausgelassenen Fest, sagte Gott: "Es tut mir leid, ich habe kein Land mehr für Euch übrig, warum seid Ihr so spät gekommen?"

Die Georgier, immer noch in ausgezeichneter Stimmung, antworteten: "Herr, bitte vergib uns, wir hatten ein Fest zu Euren Ehren, auf Euch getrunken und dabei die Zeit vergessen!

Doch das macht nichts, Gott komm mit uns und lass uns weiter feiern!"

Gott war beeindruckt von der aufrichtigen Heiterkeit und der Gastfreundschaft sowie der Leidenschaft für gutes Essen und Trinken und beschloss, den Georgiern den letzten Flecken Erde zu überlassen, den er für sich selbst reserviert hatte

- Georgien.

Georgia can rightly be called one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Such an abundance of diverse natural beauty and fascinating cultural sites is rare on our planet.

At the beginning, it was not at all obvious that the Georgians would be blessed with such miracles. How it came about is described in a legend:

God was in the process of dividing his land among the people, each people getting their deserved share. But the Georgians were too busy celebrating, drinking wine and serving delicacies to arrive on time to receive their piece of land. When they stood before God the next day, still intoxicated from the exuberant celebration, God said: "I'm sorry, I have no land left for you, why did you come so late?"

The Georgians, still in excellent spirits, replied: "Lord, please forgive us, we had a feast in your honor, drank to you and lost track of time! But it doesn't matter, God come with us and let us continue celebrating!"

God was impressed by the sincere cheerfulness and hospitality, as well as the passion for good food and drink, and decided to give the Georgians the last piece of land that He had reserved for Himself - Georgia.

Aber Georgien hat natürlich weit mehr zu bieten als Legenden.....

Und etwas Wahres ist schon dran, an Gottes landschaftlichem Favoriten,

die Messlatte im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern hängt ungemein hoch.

Georgien ist ein kleines Land mit einer enormen Vielfalt!

  • Es gibt traumhafte Wanderregionen nicht nur im Hochgebirge  des Großen Kaukasus, über das gesamte Land verteilt lädt die spektakuläre Natur ein, die Outdoorstiefel zu schnüren.

  • Es gibt dichte, intakte Waldregionen und eine subtropische, dem Regenwald gleichende Vegetation.

  • Die Strände an Georgiens Schwarzmeerküste gehören zu den schönsten an diesem großen Binnenmeer.

  • Bizarre Wüstenlandschaften verlocken zu spannenden Offroaderlebnissen.

  • Frühchristliche Kirchen und imposante Klöster sind über das gesamte Land verstreut und bieten Einblicke in eine uralte Kultur.

  • Die georgische Küche offeriert kulinarische Besonderheiten, die man mit keiner Küche sonst vergleichen kann.

  • Die georgische Weinkultur ist vielleicht die älteste der Welt und etwas ganz Besonderes.

  • In den Städten herrscht pulsierendes Leben und die Hauptstadt Tblisi gehört zu den interessantesten in Europa.

  • Und die georgische Schrift ist vielleicht die schönste der Welt

      - zumindest eine der ältesten.

But Georgia has of course much more to offer than legends......

And there is some truth in this, God's favorite landscape - the bar is set incredibly high compared to other countries.

Georgia is a small country with enormous diversity!

  • There are fantastic hiking regions not only in the high mountains of the Greater Caucasus, but throughout the entire country the spectacular nature invites you to lace up your outdoor boots.
  • There are dense, intact forest regions and subtropical vegetation similar to the rainforest.
  • The beaches on Georgia's Black Sea coast are among the most beautiful on this large inland sea.
  • Bizarre desert landscapes tempt you to exciting off-road experiences.
  • Early Christian churches and impressive monasteries are scattered throughout the country and offer insights into an ancient culture.
  • Georgian cuisine offers culinary specialties that cannot be compared to any other cuisine.
  • Georgian wine culture is perhaps the oldest in the world and something very special.
  • The cities are bustling with life and the capital Tblisi is one of the most interesting in Europe.
  • And the Georgian script is perhaps the most beautiful in the world - at least one of the oldest.

Georgia is located on the very eastern edge of Europe, at the interface with the Middle East, at the other end of the Black Sea. It covers an area of 69,700 km² and is therefore just about as big as Bavaria if you include the occupied regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Without these "autonomous republics" the country covers 57,215 km².

The country has a population of 3.7 million, which is half as many people as live in Hong Kong.

The capital is Tblisi, in German Tiflis is also used, although it is outdated.

Georgians pay with Lari

(1 Lari is about 30 cents),

The average citizen has around 2,000 of this at his disposal each month. This is actually not a small amount, as the price level is much lower compared to Western Europe. Even in the "low-price country" of Albania, the prices for many services and products are now higher.

The time difference to Central Europe is 3 hours. If you fly directly from Munich or Frankfurt, the journey takes a good 4 hours. From Vienna it is quicker, 3 hours.

The peaks of the Greater Caucasus in Georgia are often over 5,000 meters high; the highest mountain, Shuamta, is 5,201 meters high, Dzjanga 5,051 meters high and Kazbek 5,047 meters high. They are covered in snow all year round. The air has practically become too thin for the Swiss Matterhorn just 500 meters earlier.

Most mountain passes to remote regions such as Tusheti or Khevsureti also lead well above 2,000 meters, which means that you do not need to set off there before the end of May.

Georgia is located on the very eastern edge of Europe, at the interface with the Middle East, at the other end of the Black Sea. It covers an area of 69,700 km² and is therefore just about as big as Bavaria if you include the occupied regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Without these "autonomous republics" the country covers 57,215 km².

The country has a population of 3.7 million, which is half as many people as live in Hong Kong.

The capital is Tblisi, in German Tiflis is also used, although it is outdated.

Georgians pay with Lari (1 Lari is about 30 cents), and the average citizen has about 2000 of these at his disposal per month. This is actually not a small amount, as the price level is much lower compared to Western Europe. Even in the "low-price country" of Albania, the prices for many services and products are now higher.

The time difference to Central Europe is 3 hours. If you fly directly from Munich or Frankfurt, it will take a good 4 hours. From Vienna it is quicker, 3 hours.

The peaks of the Greater Caucasus in Georgia are often over 5,000 meters high; the highest mountain, Shuamta, is 5,201 meters high, Dzjanga 5,051 meters high and Kazbek 5,047 meters high. They are covered in snow all year round. The air has practically become too thin for the Swiss Matterhorn just 500 meters earlier.

Most of the mountain passes to remote regions such as Tusheti or Khevsureti also lead well above 2,000 meters, which means that you do not need to set off there before the end of May.

In terms of tourism, Georgia, with its privileged location on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, has a long tradition. The fantastic nature, the cheerful and party-loving people, the mild climate and the subtropical beaches as well as the numerous health resorts were real dream destinations for Russians even in the Tsarist era. And in the 20th century, Georgia rose to become the number one travel destination for Soviet citizens.

When the Soviet state structure completely fell apart in the early 1990s, the boom in tourism in Georgia, which borders it to the southeast, was also over. The country slid into a huge economic and political crisis and was even labeled as a dangerous travel destination.

In 2004, the popular Mikhail Saakashvili entered the political stage, completely transformed the country, and fought tirelessly against corruption and crime with a certain degree of success. Georgia lost its reputation as an unsafe destination and was able to build on its previous tourism development, thereby regaining a certain level of "prosperity".

Today, the country on the Greater Caucasus is considered an absolutely safe travel destination.

The income has also been used to immensely advance road construction and every part of the country is now accessible by car, although some regions can still only be reached via adventurous gravel roads.

Touristisch blickt Georgien, privilegiert am Südhang des Großen Kaukasus gelegen, auf eine lange Tradition zurück. Die fantastische Natur, die lebensfrohen und feierfreudigen Menschen, das milde Klima und die subtropischen Strände sowie die zahlreichen Kurorte waren schon zur Zarenzeit echte Sehnsuchtsziele der Russen. Und im 20. Jahrhundert stieg Georgien zum Reiseziel Nummer 1 der Sowjetbürger auf.

Als das sowjetische Staatengebilde Anfang der 1990er-Jahre komplett in seine Einzelteile zerfiel, war es auch im südöstlich angrenzenden Georgien vorbei mit der touristischen Blüte. Das Land schlitterte in eine riesige wirtschaftliche und politische Krise und bekam sogar den Stempel als ein gefährliches Reiseland aufgedrückt.

2004 betrat der Sympathieträger Michail Saakaschwili die politische Bühne, krempelte das Land von Grund auf um, bekämpfte unermüdlich mit einem gewissen Erfolg Korruption und Kriminalität. Georgien verlor seinen Schrecken als unsichere Destination, konnte so an die touristische Entwicklung von früher anknüpfen und sich somit einen gewissen "Wohlstand" zurückholen.

Heute gilt das Land am Großen Kaukasus als ein absolut sicheres Reiseland.

Mit den Einnahmen wurde auch der Straßenbau immens vorangetrieben und jeder Landesteil ist inzwischen mobil erreichbar, wenngleich manche Regionen immer noch nur über abenteuerliche Schotterpisten erreichbar sind.

Nevertheless, Georgia is and remains (for now) a destination for adventurers who want to delve deeply into the country and its culture. A trip to Tusheti, Khevsureti, parts of Svaneti and some places in the Lesser Caucasus becomes an exciting expedition into the past and those who embark on it will gain deep insights into the heritage of the Caucasus people.

Elsewhere, tradition and modernity collide and form an absolutely interesting contrast. Yes, Georgia is a country of contrasts, its fascination is almost unstoppable and it is well on its way to becoming a major star among travel destinations.

There is a Georgian motto that hits the nail on the head with this development:

"ძალა ერთობაშია - dsala ertobashia

- the strength lies in unity!

In this sense:

გამარჯობა და კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება საქართველოში

- gamardshoba da k'etili iq'os tkveni mobrdzaneba sakartveloshi

- Good day and welcome to Georgia!

Trotzdem ist und bleibt (vorerst) Georgien ein Ziel für Abenteurer, will man tief in Land und Kultur eintauchen. Eine Reise nach Tuschetien, Chewsuretien, in Teile Swanetiens und zu manchen Orten im Kleinen Kaukasus wird dabei zu einer spannenden Expedition in die Vergangenheit und wer sich darauf einlässt, wird hierbei tiefe Einblicke in das Erbe der Kaukasusbewohner bekommen.

Andernorts prallen Tradition und Moderne aufeinander und bilden einen absolut interessanten Kontrast. Ja, Georgien ist ein Land der Gegensätze, lässt einen in seiner Faszination kaum mehr los und ist auf dem besten Weg ein ganz großer Star unter den Reisedestinationen zu werden.

Es gibt einen georgischen Wahlspruch, der bei dieser Entwicklung genau ins Schwarze trifft:

"ძალა ერთობაშია dsala ertobaschia - die Kraft liegt in der Einheit“!

In diesem Sinne:

გამარჯობა და კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება საქართველოში - gamardshoba da k’etili iq’os tkveni mobrdzaneba sakartveloshi - Guten Tag und herzlich willkommen in Georgien!

Wissenswertes für die Reise nach Georgien

Below you will find frequently asked questions about traveling to Georgia and the corresponding answers.

  • What are the entry requirements for Georgia?

    Absolutely uncomplicated! To enter the country you need a passport or identity card that is valid at least until your departure. There is no visa requirement.

  • How does the mobile Internet work?

    In contrast to Germany (we cannot comment on Austria and Switzerland), the mobile internet works well in almost all parts of the country, with only the most remote regions forming white spots. But perhaps that is a good thing and people there are returning to the essentials.

  • It's amazing how even Georgia now knows what camping means and has reacted, although the standard of the campsites is still far from that of Western Europe. There are around 25 campsites spread across the country, most of them on the Black Sea.

  • When is Georgia's national holiday?

    Name: Sakartwelo (Georgia)

  • How big is Georgia?

    Area: 69,700 km²

  • Why is Georgia part of Europe?

    Georgien plant, langfristig der EU beizutretetn und ist seit 14.12.2023 offizieller Beitrittskandidat. 

  • Autofahren in Georgien ist einfacher als gedacht. Sämtliche Ziele und Bezeichnungen sind nämlich auch in lateinischen Buchstaben bzw. auf Englisch vorzufinden, bis hin zu den Namen der Flüsse an den Brücken.

  • Georgians do not see wine as an alcoholic drink but rather as a kind of being that mediates between people.

more information about Georgia?


- On- and off-road guide -

Highlights and trails in the Caucasus for overlanders

expected release date:

beginning of April 2024

- can be pre-ordered -

more information about Georgia?

Georgien On- und Offroadguide | Highlights und Pisten am Kaukasus für Overlander

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